Friday, July 1, 2011

The Riots

So, I waited until everything had settled down fully to post this,
because I don't like broadcasting to the rioters that what they did
was okay- in any way. When I hear Riot, I usually think of
something worth fighting for. Not a temper tantrum taken to
new heights because of a stupid Mob Mentality. You may
have heard about this, but the night Vancouver (that's us) lost
the Stanley Cup, there was chaos. They trashed stores, swarmed
the streets, and set cop cares on fire. About 600 people took part.
The sick thing is, they all had phones. they were recording it,
and using their phone's as a way to keep cop's from taking them
in. Because, of course, the majority of them were Minors.
Faaantastic. So, a month later I post this, because it sickened
me seeing all those post on facebook saying, "The Riot's
where awesome! Whooo!" and the constant coverage.
In otherwords, people we're making this something to remember,
a permeant blemish in the record of our city. To see just how
bad things where, take a look at the video section.
It scare's me how stupid people can be these days.
Signing out from Vancouver, Canada,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

First Post: The Beginning

Dramatic title, huh?
Dramatic blog, actually. But.... I figured, if
your going to write anything, write about
what's happening. Well. The world is changing...
Earth quakes in the east, tornados in the south,
and storms everywhere in between. I decided to start
this blog a few hours ago, but I'd had the idea for a while.
It's 2011. A year till 'the world ends'. If anything actually
happens, I'll write about it here. So far? Massive earthquakes
in Japan, with tsunami's wiping away full cities and taking out
Nuclear plant's along the way. In egypt, rebellion's are destroying
all security and causing pure chaos. Tornado's have been ripping
apart the southern end of our world, killing at least around 300
people by May. And just tonight, perhaps the creepiest of everything
 going on, the Thunder. Yep, caps. A single clap of thunder, coming
from all direction's and sounding more like a bomb then anything
else. People on opposites sides of the town ducked. For those precious
few seconds, the power all went out. The weirdest part was there was no
lightning, and no rain. No wind either. Weird....
Now, I don't believe the world will end. But just for the sake of things,
whatever crazy events do happen, I'll try my best to record here. Because
whether the world blows up, or an ice age hits, or we're over taken by aliens,
or the government tries to kill us all off to preserve the race, it's gonna be big.
It just might be bad. And I'm gonna record every bit of it.
Signing out from Vancouver, Canada,